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Feeling Watched? How to Address Intrusive Neighbour Cameras

Updated: Oct 2

Living in close quarters with neighbours often requires compromise and mutual respect. However, what happens when a neighbour's security camera feels more like a personal surveillance system? If your neighbour's video doorbell or CCTV camera is pointed directly at your garden or captures you and your family going about your day, it can be a significant privacy intrusion.

two women looking at a wall full of cameras

Here's a guide on how to address this issue and reclaim your right to privacy:

Understanding Your Rights

The good news is, you have legal grounds to address intrusive camera placement.

Here's why:

Human Rights Act 1998: This act protects your right to privacy under Article 8. If your neighbour's camera directly captures your private space, it can be considered a violation.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): If your neighbour's camera captures footage of you and your family, they become data controllers under GDPR. This means they have legal obligations regarding how that data is stored and used.

Taking Action: A Step-by-Step Approach

  1. Communication is Key: Before resorting to legal measures, consider a friendly approach. Speak to your neighbour and explain how the camera placement makes you uncomfortable.

  2. Cease and Desist Letter: If a friendly conversation doesn't resolve the issue, a formal cease and desist letter is the next step. This letter clearly outlines your concerns and demands your neighbour stop directing the camera towards your property. A template for a general cease and desist letter is available at our member's area. This can often be enough to resolve the issue, as an injunction is a serious legal step.

  3. Applying for an Injunction: If the neighbour continues to infringe on your privacy, you may need to apply for a civil injunction.

The Importance of Legal Expertise

While the steps above provide a framework, navigating legal processes can be complex. Consider seeking legal advice, especially when completing court forms and preparing for a hearing. If you require further legal assistance on this aspect please contact us so we can consider the next appropriate step,


You have the right to privacy in your own home and garden. By following these steps and potentially seeking legal help, you can reclaim your peace of mind and ensure your neighbour's security measures don't compromise your privacy.

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